Friday, 23 September 2011



             All praises to God Because of him so That that this paper can be resolved in accordance with the specified time. Al hamdulillah.
Today, globalization has penetrated the nation of Indonesia, and almost impossible to fight the influence of globalization in our country. On the one hand, globalization is something that brings fresh air for a country. With globalization, a country can make a profit if the preparation of the nation's human resources are able to play this stream professionally.
On the other hand, globalization is  harmful  if the country is  lack of human resources quality. globalization eventually bocame the leeches that are slowly draining the natural wealth of the country. And unfortunately Indonesia fall into this category.
Based on data from currently about 60% of  state-owned corporation’s (BUMN) capital is foreign capital. Indonesian’s natural resources is processed by foreign investor or foreign company  and then they sold the product at a great price in Indonesia. While native people are only used as a worker / laborer by theforeign factory.
There are two ways to overcome this issue. First, government should nationalize all of the foreign factory in indonesia  and prohibit foreign parties to process the natural wealth of Indonesia. However, this way is an extreme way. Second, we have to fix the Indonesian students as effectively as possible, as profesional as  possible, and eficien as possible, so that the native people with a good quality will be capable to process its own natural wealth and minimize the help of other countries.
Therefore, god willing, a paper entitled "The urgency of improving the quality of The Student in facing  the Globalization era" will explain the ins and outs of the decline of the quality of our nation's students and also the writer will provide some solution that is expected to be a vitamin of Indonesia become glorious and intelligent.

August 08, 2011


A.    FOREWORD ..........................................................................................1
B.    TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................2
1.   BACKGROUND ................................................................................3
2.   THEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS ...........................................................4
3.    WRITING OBJECTIVE ....................................................................4
4.   WRITING BENEFITS ........................................................................4
1.   INDONESIAN STUDENT QUALITY .................................................5
2.   FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECLINE QUALITY  OF INDONESIAN STUDENT...........................................................................................5
3.   C. SOLUTION IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY ................................9
1.    CONCLUSION ..................................................................................10
2.    REFERENCES ................................................ ................................1


A.     Backround issues.
The 21st century is the era of globalization, era of the progress of world civilization. Every corner of civilization demands precense of progress that are often called "civilication development". That is why every country wether they are ready or not, accept it or not, must face the globalization. In his book, Amien Rais (2008) explain that  there are three types of a nation in facing the globalization. The first type is a nation that openly reject globalization for instance iran and korea. The second is the nation that accept globalization but they are able to play smartly the globalization so that the country are able to get the advantages of globalization like China and malaysa. the last is the nation that accept globalization but was unable to play  it so well so  that the nation get the loss, and unfortunately, Indonesia is one of example of this type.
This Indonesian’s destiny is caused by the the lack of competitiveness of Indonesian students education today. This can be evidenced from data in the Education for All (EFA) Global monitoring Report 2011, published by  UNESCO and launched in New York on Monday, 03.01.2011, education development index in Indonesia was ranked 69th  of 127 countries surveyed . In addition, quoting Drs. H. Athaillah Baderi written, a librarian at the National Library,  says that in a study conducted by the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Agency (IEA) in 1992 to measure the reading ability of elementary school students Class IV in 30 countries around the world, concluded that Indonesia occupies sequence 29th at the top of Venezuela who is ranked last in the sequence 30th. That’s condition of indonesia very poor education quality.
Since 66 years ago, the warriors of this nation has managed to fly nation’s flag as a symbol of independence from imperialism and colonialism. But now, generations of the nation as a filler for independence was still not able to optimize their role in the 21st century. One of the proof is they are still lack of human resources quality in managing and processing  the nation's abundant natural resources, so there is no other option for the government to allow foreign parties to process the country's natural resources which are ultimately deplete natural resources like the VOC in dutch impearlism era. Eventhough we jnow that Because of that, currently about 60 % of state-owned corporation’s (BUMN) capital owned by foreign company that manages the natural wealth of this nation.
Not  too late for Indonesia to improve the quality of competitiveness in the international arenaor  to build a stronger human resources of this nation. the first urgent step that we have to do is to improve the quality of Indonesian students, because students are people who can think smartly and be a nation  hope. Therefore, the intellectual soul of the writer is called to write this paper with the title 'The urgency of Quality Improvement of Indonesian Students in the Century Facing Globalization "as a thinking contribution in improving quality of Indonesian students
B.    Problem formulation
1. How is the quality of Indonesian students today?
2. What causes the quality of Indonesian students are lacking?
3. What isthe solution can be given in addressing the problem of Indonesian students?

C.   Purpose
1.   Describing the quality of students in Indonesia today.
2.   Describing the things that caused the decline of the quality of students in Indonesia.
3.   Describes a solution which can be given of the educational problems in Indonesia.

D.   Benefits of Writing.
1.    For Government
Can be used as contribution in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
2.    For Teachers and lecturers
Can be used as reference to improve professionalism in teaching their students so that students can perform better in the future.
3.    For students
Can be used as material to learn in order to improve their  achievement through reading and revive the spirit idelisme of a student.
4.     For the media community.
Can be used to evaluate in broadcasting television programs especially harmful programs.


A.    Quality of Indonesia students.
The quality of educational  competitiveness in a country is measured by the quality of students in the country, because the student is a future product prepared by a country. Ki hajar Dewantara in colonial times, governments have struggle for education in Indonesia. Even today, the government has applied several programs to motivate students in the pursuit of achievements such as, holding an Olympic, scholarships, student exchanges, government even allocate 20% of the state budget for education.
oriented to government programs above, raised  a question, whether the program is effective, efficient, and capable of carrying a significant movement  of education of our nation today? The answer is "less". every level of education has a low quality. Based on data of the Balitbang survey, show  that omang  146,052 primary school in Indonesia was only eight schools who received worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Programme (PYP). among  20,918 junior high school in Indonesia was also only eight schools that received worldwide recognition in the category of The Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the 8036 high school was only seven schools who received worldwide recognition in the category of the Diploma Programme (DP). From the facts, it become clearer how the quality of  indonesian Education is very low that anoher country.
On one side, Indonesian should be proud of the abundant wealth of natural resources so that Indonesia is defined as the lungs of the world with Brazill, but on the other side, indonesian should be crying to see  how the decline of this nation's human resources. Indonesian stands as the second country  which has the largest illiterate population in Asia after cina.. In East Java, some time ago the East Java provincial government announced among 37 million population of East Java, there are approximately 6 million people are illiterate. And because of this reality so that there is statement says "the population of this country are guests in their own country" (Amien Rais, 2002). Based on the data, about 60% of assets of BUMN has been dominated by foreigners. These data indicate that human resources in Indonesia have not been capable in managing the abundant natural wealth so that they are only used as a worker in foreign companies which absorb the advantages of Indonesian SDA.

B.    Factors caused the  poor quality of Indonesian students.
The low quality of indonesian student today can not be separated from some factors that become challenges, which until now still not able to be addressed by our nation. These factors were divided into two kinds:
1.    external factors.
a.   physical facilities in schools are inadequate.
                             It is true the statement of DR.H.Yunahar Ilyas, Lc which says that the facility is not a determinant of the quality of learners. However, Out put of an educational institution is supported by existing facilities. In a fllm which is directed by Jonh De Rantau, entitled "Denias: senandung di atas awan" that elevates the phenomena of papua’s students who learn in a  very fragile hut is one of evidence of how this nation needs to increase the facilities. Although the students is bright but if not supported by good facilities such as libraries, the good classroom, and technology tools that support the learning process of learners, they will become students who get behind of the progress of  world civilization such as technology, because technology is the symbol of the progress of civilization.
                             one of facility of school is very urgent but still limited is library. Library is a storehouse of science for students. Until 2011, the Ministry of Education recorded 55.39 per cent of primary schools do not have a school library. Of the 143,437 primary schools, there are 79,445 schools did not have a library. As for the junior high school 39.37 percent (13,558 of 34,511 schools) have no library. How could be the student become smart without enough book provided.

b.   the teacher is not profesional.
Teachers are one source of knowledge for students and teachers are the closest and trusted by students. The role of teachers is very urgent in determining student achievement, even the Asian tiger countrie today, Japan, viewed from the historical aspect, it glorifies the existence of  teacher. As a result, after the destruction by America's atomic bomb, they rise up and become American competitor till today. as In Indonesian law in article 39 of Law No 20/2003 explains the role of a teacher in learning plan, implement learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching, training, conduct research and perform community service.
But why the quality of Indonesian students are still very low?. It is because the professionalism of teachers still very low. some teachers in Indonesia even declared unfit to teach. Percentage of teachers according to the feasibility of teaching in the year 2002-2003 in various education units as follows: for a decent elementary school teach only 21.07% (domestic) and 28.94% (private), for junior high 54.12% (domestic) and 60, 99% (private), for SMA 65.29% (domestic) and 64.73% (private), as well as for vocational teaching a decent 55.49% (domestic) and 58.26% (private). The feasibility of teaching is clearly related to the level of teacher education itself. Data Balitbang DEPDIKNAS (1998) shows from around 1.2 million primary school teachers / MI only 13.8% are educated diploma Educational D2-up. In addition, approximately 680,000 teachers of junior high /  MTs only 38.8% educated D3-Education diploma and up. At secondary school level, of the 337,503 teachers, only 57.8% who have the education to the upper S1. At higher education level, from 181,544 professors, 18.86% are educated new S2 upwards (3.48% educated S3).
One of the facts that demonstrate a lack of professionalism of the teaching is from the cornert of the implementation of education by teachers or lecturers that we often observe in schools, especially from lecturers on college campuses. In essence, a lecturer is the person who should uphold the idealism and objectivity in teaching,but some of them move those values.the unobjective can be evidenced by the fact that many lecturers who are too generous and not firm in delivering grade to the student. Thus significantly a student will think that it is not necessary to study hard, read lots of references, discussion, yet the the prdicate of cum laude (A) is easy.
c.   non-eduktif tv programs.
basicly Technological development is something positive, but the fact is happening is that the negative changes have occurred. Currently television broadcasting  has been contaminated.
Nowadays many television broadcasts are like a virus that destroys the thought of the student slowly through broadcasts. they destroy  the character of the intellectual framework and guide the students to be hedonist learner, amoral, and as a student who  full of superstition. In the past, our ancestors became human that is lack of modern knowledge because they always believed in superstition, for example, to obtain an abundant fortune, they should worship the trees which  are considered sacred. And today through television,the superstition is packed with more modern packaging but in essence is the same, for example "type REG (space) money, REG (space) fortune, etc.. TV shows like this is suggesting the generation be the generation who believe in superstition without thinking logically.

2.    Internal factors:
a.    Lack of student interest in reading.
There's an wise word  which says that "reading is a window of the world", because by reading it slowly insights that we have will have improved both local insight and international insight. And this wise word has been appliying  by some countries in the world so that in significant time, the competitiveness of their nations move to a higher level. For example, India that  we know as one of the old and poor country , now  they are success to raise the quality of their nation. Today India is one of the prestigious country  in the world. One of supporting the nation's progress is very the high interest in reading. based on the survey,  India is a country that occupies the first rank as the country with the highest interest in reading. Another example is  malaysa. Malaysia is relatively small in geographical terms but from the point of interest in reading, malaysa is  more fantastic than Indonesia. malaysa book production is 10,000 per year, this number is higher  than  Indonesia which is only capable of producing up to 6,000 books per year. Besides India and malaysa, one of the most aggressive in fostering interest in reading is  Japan. According to Bulletin Perbukuan Centre, Ministry of Education No. 1 of 2000, Japan enacted the 20 Minutes of Mother and Child Reading to inculcate the reading habit. this program recommends a mother read for 20 minutes  for her child a book borrowed from public libraries or school before the boy went to sleep. Thus these countrys  is genuine with the rapid development of their nation because of all society perticipate in it.
Then what about the condition of indonnesia? the authors have to say that student interest in reading is very poor. It can be proved by the data released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2006. Whereas, our society has not made reading as a primary source of information. People prefer watching TV (85.9%) or listening to radio (40.3%) rather than reading newspapers (23.5%). In addition,  baed on data of the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Agency (IEA) in 1992, the reading ability of elementary school students Class IV in 30 countries around the world, concluded that Indonesia occupies sequence to 29 at the top of Venezuela which is ranked last in the sequence to 30. In addition, student  as an intellectual  who should close with the book, is only a small percentage of them who is friendly to the book.  As a result, rarely students who have papers that can be donated as an contribution of thought.

b.             Time time management of students  are not systematic.
Among elementary school, junior high school, only little awareness of the urgency of time management.  As a result, there are a lot of students who studied by  "learning along  the night" system. That results is not be effective.  And this learning system is trend among the students.
This problem especially can be found  from the university students. The numbers of students called "mahasiswa abadi", because they are not able to arrange their schedules systematically.  The less portion time in learning will have an effect on academic achievement, Especially if most of their time is just dominated by activities that do not supported  their academic quality improvement, such as hanging out, playing games, watching movies, , and sleeping . unfortunatly this is the culture of most college students today.
a.    Lack of students' interest in Indonesia writing scientific papers.
Students who has creatifity and good intelligency  will always think how to make a creation  because  students ideally is identic with the solution in solving social problems (the agent of social problems). Problem-solving strategies by the student effectively is voiced through the papers and then appreciated by certain parties as a smart solution. but as globalization, the idealism of students gradually began to shift. pragmatism and hedonism has plagued the students in the 21st century.
Based on the results of research issued by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), our society has not been  making  reading as a primary source of information. People prefer watching TV (85.9%) or listening to radio (40.3%) rather than reading newspapers (23.5%) . In essence, writing is always directly proportional to how much insight the writer . Even  when a campus held a Scientific Writing Contest, participants who participated only a few people because the student dont have good insight to purpose a paper. As the result,  of about 4.8 million students in indonesia (,  only produce  about  6,000 books per year, less  than malaysa whose small area and litle people which can produce books about10,000.
in short, It is appropriate if indonesia is currently get behind from other countries, becaus ethe intellectual or the student that should work hard forget his role as agent of change that requires them to improve the fate of this nation.
C.   Solution in improving the quality of Indonesian students.
The solution to get out of this problem is ha ve to be done  by some parties that must contribute, they are :
1.    Government.
a.    Optimizing monitoring use of funds for the revitalization of education.
b.    Selecting teachers who are really worth in teaching.
c.    Optimizing monitoring the college as objective as possible
d.    Limiting the broadcast that is considered ignorant.
2.    The school and college.
a.    Certification funds by government should be utilized well in improving the professionalism in  teaching.
b.    school superintendent must be really professional in overseeing  the performance of teachers and lecturers in applying teaching curriculum.
c.    Eliminating System "nilai gampangan" or the system that facilitate the students in getting high marks without concider objectively  the quality of the student it self.
d.    Implement a system that requires junior high school students, high school, to read the must  book then held evaluation continuously of students' understanding after reading the book.
e.    Conducting activities that are providing a stimulus to the students in reading such as scientific papers presentation contest, debate, etc in order to motivate the student in  producing the references.
3.    Family
a.    Parents should be selective in choosing a school for their child.
b.    motivating the family to love reading  by building a family library in the house.
c.    Overseeing the broadcast watched by children as possible.
d.    Parents should not only prioritize the daily lives,but also of the children's education.

A.    Conclusion:
1.    Indonesia's competitiveness will not be better as long as the quality of students is not supported by government, educational institutions, and family .
2.    Indonesian education have to apply a strict system, because the weakness of Indonesian education system today is the implementation that is too elastic.
3.    Educational facilities are not the determinant of the quality of education, but the studentof  an educational institution that is able to compete in this highly technological era is determined by the facilities.
4.    media has a dual function. They are  the function of the intellectual as well as ignorant people through broadcasts are aired.
5.    However the complete of external learning motivation of students such as complete facilities, professional teachers, etc., if the internal motivation of students does not exist, then target will not be achieved. Therefore, the internal factors must be built early on.

4.       Pidarta, Prof. Dr. Made. 2004. Manajemen Pendidikan Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
5.       Combs H. Philip & Ahmed Manzoor. 1998. Memerangi Kemiskinan di Pedesesaan Melalui Pendidikan Non-formal. Jakarta : CV.Rajawali.
6.       Rais Amien.2002.Selamatkan Indonesia : Agenda Mendesak Bangsa. Jakarta ; PPSKI press.

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Friday, 23 September 2011



             All praises to God Because of him so That that this paper can be resolved in accordance with the specified time. Al hamdulillah.
Today, globalization has penetrated the nation of Indonesia, and almost impossible to fight the influence of globalization in our country. On the one hand, globalization is something that brings fresh air for a country. With globalization, a country can make a profit if the preparation of the nation's human resources are able to play this stream professionally.
On the other hand, globalization is  harmful  if the country is  lack of human resources quality. globalization eventually bocame the leeches that are slowly draining the natural wealth of the country. And unfortunately Indonesia fall into this category.
Based on data from currently about 60% of  state-owned corporation’s (BUMN) capital is foreign capital. Indonesian’s natural resources is processed by foreign investor or foreign company  and then they sold the product at a great price in Indonesia. While native people are only used as a worker / laborer by theforeign factory.
There are two ways to overcome this issue. First, government should nationalize all of the foreign factory in indonesia  and prohibit foreign parties to process the natural wealth of Indonesia. However, this way is an extreme way. Second, we have to fix the Indonesian students as effectively as possible, as profesional as  possible, and eficien as possible, so that the native people with a good quality will be capable to process its own natural wealth and minimize the help of other countries.
Therefore, god willing, a paper entitled "The urgency of improving the quality of The Student in facing  the Globalization era" will explain the ins and outs of the decline of the quality of our nation's students and also the writer will provide some solution that is expected to be a vitamin of Indonesia become glorious and intelligent.

August 08, 2011


A.    FOREWORD ..........................................................................................1
B.    TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................2
1.   BACKGROUND ................................................................................3
2.   THEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS ...........................................................4
3.    WRITING OBJECTIVE ....................................................................4
4.   WRITING BENEFITS ........................................................................4
1.   INDONESIAN STUDENT QUALITY .................................................5
2.   FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECLINE QUALITY  OF INDONESIAN STUDENT...........................................................................................5
3.   C. SOLUTION IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY ................................9
1.    CONCLUSION ..................................................................................10
2.    REFERENCES ................................................ ................................1


A.     Backround issues.
The 21st century is the era of globalization, era of the progress of world civilization. Every corner of civilization demands precense of progress that are often called "civilication development". That is why every country wether they are ready or not, accept it or not, must face the globalization. In his book, Amien Rais (2008) explain that  there are three types of a nation in facing the globalization. The first type is a nation that openly reject globalization for instance iran and korea. The second is the nation that accept globalization but they are able to play smartly the globalization so that the country are able to get the advantages of globalization like China and malaysa. the last is the nation that accept globalization but was unable to play  it so well so  that the nation get the loss, and unfortunately, Indonesia is one of example of this type.
This Indonesian’s destiny is caused by the the lack of competitiveness of Indonesian students education today. This can be evidenced from data in the Education for All (EFA) Global monitoring Report 2011, published by  UNESCO and launched in New York on Monday, 03.01.2011, education development index in Indonesia was ranked 69th  of 127 countries surveyed . In addition, quoting Drs. H. Athaillah Baderi written, a librarian at the National Library,  says that in a study conducted by the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Agency (IEA) in 1992 to measure the reading ability of elementary school students Class IV in 30 countries around the world, concluded that Indonesia occupies sequence 29th at the top of Venezuela who is ranked last in the sequence 30th. That’s condition of indonesia very poor education quality.
Since 66 years ago, the warriors of this nation has managed to fly nation’s flag as a symbol of independence from imperialism and colonialism. But now, generations of the nation as a filler for independence was still not able to optimize their role in the 21st century. One of the proof is they are still lack of human resources quality in managing and processing  the nation's abundant natural resources, so there is no other option for the government to allow foreign parties to process the country's natural resources which are ultimately deplete natural resources like the VOC in dutch impearlism era. Eventhough we jnow that Because of that, currently about 60 % of state-owned corporation’s (BUMN) capital owned by foreign company that manages the natural wealth of this nation.
Not  too late for Indonesia to improve the quality of competitiveness in the international arenaor  to build a stronger human resources of this nation. the first urgent step that we have to do is to improve the quality of Indonesian students, because students are people who can think smartly and be a nation  hope. Therefore, the intellectual soul of the writer is called to write this paper with the title 'The urgency of Quality Improvement of Indonesian Students in the Century Facing Globalization "as a thinking contribution in improving quality of Indonesian students
B.    Problem formulation
1. How is the quality of Indonesian students today?
2. What causes the quality of Indonesian students are lacking?
3. What isthe solution can be given in addressing the problem of Indonesian students?

C.   Purpose
1.   Describing the quality of students in Indonesia today.
2.   Describing the things that caused the decline of the quality of students in Indonesia.
3.   Describes a solution which can be given of the educational problems in Indonesia.

D.   Benefits of Writing.
1.    For Government
Can be used as contribution in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
2.    For Teachers and lecturers
Can be used as reference to improve professionalism in teaching their students so that students can perform better in the future.
3.    For students
Can be used as material to learn in order to improve their  achievement through reading and revive the spirit idelisme of a student.
4.     For the media community.
Can be used to evaluate in broadcasting television programs especially harmful programs.


A.    Quality of Indonesia students.
The quality of educational  competitiveness in a country is measured by the quality of students in the country, because the student is a future product prepared by a country. Ki hajar Dewantara in colonial times, governments have struggle for education in Indonesia. Even today, the government has applied several programs to motivate students in the pursuit of achievements such as, holding an Olympic, scholarships, student exchanges, government even allocate 20% of the state budget for education.
oriented to government programs above, raised  a question, whether the program is effective, efficient, and capable of carrying a significant movement  of education of our nation today? The answer is "less". every level of education has a low quality. Based on data of the Balitbang survey, show  that omang  146,052 primary school in Indonesia was only eight schools who received worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Programme (PYP). among  20,918 junior high school in Indonesia was also only eight schools that received worldwide recognition in the category of The Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the 8036 high school was only seven schools who received worldwide recognition in the category of the Diploma Programme (DP). From the facts, it become clearer how the quality of  indonesian Education is very low that anoher country.
On one side, Indonesian should be proud of the abundant wealth of natural resources so that Indonesia is defined as the lungs of the world with Brazill, but on the other side, indonesian should be crying to see  how the decline of this nation's human resources. Indonesian stands as the second country  which has the largest illiterate population in Asia after cina.. In East Java, some time ago the East Java provincial government announced among 37 million population of East Java, there are approximately 6 million people are illiterate. And because of this reality so that there is statement says "the population of this country are guests in their own country" (Amien Rais, 2002). Based on the data, about 60% of assets of BUMN has been dominated by foreigners. These data indicate that human resources in Indonesia have not been capable in managing the abundant natural wealth so that they are only used as a worker in foreign companies which absorb the advantages of Indonesian SDA.

B.    Factors caused the  poor quality of Indonesian students.
The low quality of indonesian student today can not be separated from some factors that become challenges, which until now still not able to be addressed by our nation. These factors were divided into two kinds:
1.    external factors.
a.   physical facilities in schools are inadequate.
                             It is true the statement of DR.H.Yunahar Ilyas, Lc which says that the facility is not a determinant of the quality of learners. However, Out put of an educational institution is supported by existing facilities. In a fllm which is directed by Jonh De Rantau, entitled "Denias: senandung di atas awan" that elevates the phenomena of papua’s students who learn in a  very fragile hut is one of evidence of how this nation needs to increase the facilities. Although the students is bright but if not supported by good facilities such as libraries, the good classroom, and technology tools that support the learning process of learners, they will become students who get behind of the progress of  world civilization such as technology, because technology is the symbol of the progress of civilization.
                             one of facility of school is very urgent but still limited is library. Library is a storehouse of science for students. Until 2011, the Ministry of Education recorded 55.39 per cent of primary schools do not have a school library. Of the 143,437 primary schools, there are 79,445 schools did not have a library. As for the junior high school 39.37 percent (13,558 of 34,511 schools) have no library. How could be the student become smart without enough book provided.

b.   the teacher is not profesional.
Teachers are one source of knowledge for students and teachers are the closest and trusted by students. The role of teachers is very urgent in determining student achievement, even the Asian tiger countrie today, Japan, viewed from the historical aspect, it glorifies the existence of  teacher. As a result, after the destruction by America's atomic bomb, they rise up and become American competitor till today. as In Indonesian law in article 39 of Law No 20/2003 explains the role of a teacher in learning plan, implement learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching, training, conduct research and perform community service.
But why the quality of Indonesian students are still very low?. It is because the professionalism of teachers still very low. some teachers in Indonesia even declared unfit to teach. Percentage of teachers according to the feasibility of teaching in the year 2002-2003 in various education units as follows: for a decent elementary school teach only 21.07% (domestic) and 28.94% (private), for junior high 54.12% (domestic) and 60, 99% (private), for SMA 65.29% (domestic) and 64.73% (private), as well as for vocational teaching a decent 55.49% (domestic) and 58.26% (private). The feasibility of teaching is clearly related to the level of teacher education itself. Data Balitbang DEPDIKNAS (1998) shows from around 1.2 million primary school teachers / MI only 13.8% are educated diploma Educational D2-up. In addition, approximately 680,000 teachers of junior high /  MTs only 38.8% educated D3-Education diploma and up. At secondary school level, of the 337,503 teachers, only 57.8% who have the education to the upper S1. At higher education level, from 181,544 professors, 18.86% are educated new S2 upwards (3.48% educated S3).
One of the facts that demonstrate a lack of professionalism of the teaching is from the cornert of the implementation of education by teachers or lecturers that we often observe in schools, especially from lecturers on college campuses. In essence, a lecturer is the person who should uphold the idealism and objectivity in teaching,but some of them move those values.the unobjective can be evidenced by the fact that many lecturers who are too generous and not firm in delivering grade to the student. Thus significantly a student will think that it is not necessary to study hard, read lots of references, discussion, yet the the prdicate of cum laude (A) is easy.
c.   non-eduktif tv programs.
basicly Technological development is something positive, but the fact is happening is that the negative changes have occurred. Currently television broadcasting  has been contaminated.
Nowadays many television broadcasts are like a virus that destroys the thought of the student slowly through broadcasts. they destroy  the character of the intellectual framework and guide the students to be hedonist learner, amoral, and as a student who  full of superstition. In the past, our ancestors became human that is lack of modern knowledge because they always believed in superstition, for example, to obtain an abundant fortune, they should worship the trees which  are considered sacred. And today through television,the superstition is packed with more modern packaging but in essence is the same, for example "type REG (space) money, REG (space) fortune, etc.. TV shows like this is suggesting the generation be the generation who believe in superstition without thinking logically.

2.    Internal factors:
a.    Lack of student interest in reading.
There's an wise word  which says that "reading is a window of the world", because by reading it slowly insights that we have will have improved both local insight and international insight. And this wise word has been appliying  by some countries in the world so that in significant time, the competitiveness of their nations move to a higher level. For example, India that  we know as one of the old and poor country , now  they are success to raise the quality of their nation. Today India is one of the prestigious country  in the world. One of supporting the nation's progress is very the high interest in reading. based on the survey,  India is a country that occupies the first rank as the country with the highest interest in reading. Another example is  malaysa. Malaysia is relatively small in geographical terms but from the point of interest in reading, malaysa is  more fantastic than Indonesia. malaysa book production is 10,000 per year, this number is higher  than  Indonesia which is only capable of producing up to 6,000 books per year. Besides India and malaysa, one of the most aggressive in fostering interest in reading is  Japan. According to Bulletin Perbukuan Centre, Ministry of Education No. 1 of 2000, Japan enacted the 20 Minutes of Mother and Child Reading to inculcate the reading habit. this program recommends a mother read for 20 minutes  for her child a book borrowed from public libraries or school before the boy went to sleep. Thus these countrys  is genuine with the rapid development of their nation because of all society perticipate in it.
Then what about the condition of indonnesia? the authors have to say that student interest in reading is very poor. It can be proved by the data released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2006. Whereas, our society has not made reading as a primary source of information. People prefer watching TV (85.9%) or listening to radio (40.3%) rather than reading newspapers (23.5%). In addition,  baed on data of the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Agency (IEA) in 1992, the reading ability of elementary school students Class IV in 30 countries around the world, concluded that Indonesia occupies sequence to 29 at the top of Venezuela which is ranked last in the sequence to 30. In addition, student  as an intellectual  who should close with the book, is only a small percentage of them who is friendly to the book.  As a result, rarely students who have papers that can be donated as an contribution of thought.

b.             Time time management of students  are not systematic.
Among elementary school, junior high school, only little awareness of the urgency of time management.  As a result, there are a lot of students who studied by  "learning along  the night" system. That results is not be effective.  And this learning system is trend among the students.
This problem especially can be found  from the university students. The numbers of students called "mahasiswa abadi", because they are not able to arrange their schedules systematically.  The less portion time in learning will have an effect on academic achievement, Especially if most of their time is just dominated by activities that do not supported  their academic quality improvement, such as hanging out, playing games, watching movies, , and sleeping . unfortunatly this is the culture of most college students today.
a.    Lack of students' interest in Indonesia writing scientific papers.
Students who has creatifity and good intelligency  will always think how to make a creation  because  students ideally is identic with the solution in solving social problems (the agent of social problems). Problem-solving strategies by the student effectively is voiced through the papers and then appreciated by certain parties as a smart solution. but as globalization, the idealism of students gradually began to shift. pragmatism and hedonism has plagued the students in the 21st century.
Based on the results of research issued by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), our society has not been  making  reading as a primary source of information. People prefer watching TV (85.9%) or listening to radio (40.3%) rather than reading newspapers (23.5%) . In essence, writing is always directly proportional to how much insight the writer . Even  when a campus held a Scientific Writing Contest, participants who participated only a few people because the student dont have good insight to purpose a paper. As the result,  of about 4.8 million students in indonesia (,  only produce  about  6,000 books per year, less  than malaysa whose small area and litle people which can produce books about10,000.
in short, It is appropriate if indonesia is currently get behind from other countries, becaus ethe intellectual or the student that should work hard forget his role as agent of change that requires them to improve the fate of this nation.
C.   Solution in improving the quality of Indonesian students.
The solution to get out of this problem is ha ve to be done  by some parties that must contribute, they are :
1.    Government.
a.    Optimizing monitoring use of funds for the revitalization of education.
b.    Selecting teachers who are really worth in teaching.
c.    Optimizing monitoring the college as objective as possible
d.    Limiting the broadcast that is considered ignorant.
2.    The school and college.
a.    Certification funds by government should be utilized well in improving the professionalism in  teaching.
b.    school superintendent must be really professional in overseeing  the performance of teachers and lecturers in applying teaching curriculum.
c.    Eliminating System "nilai gampangan" or the system that facilitate the students in getting high marks without concider objectively  the quality of the student it self.
d.    Implement a system that requires junior high school students, high school, to read the must  book then held evaluation continuously of students' understanding after reading the book.
e.    Conducting activities that are providing a stimulus to the students in reading such as scientific papers presentation contest, debate, etc in order to motivate the student in  producing the references.
3.    Family
a.    Parents should be selective in choosing a school for their child.
b.    motivating the family to love reading  by building a family library in the house.
c.    Overseeing the broadcast watched by children as possible.
d.    Parents should not only prioritize the daily lives,but also of the children's education.

A.    Conclusion:
1.    Indonesia's competitiveness will not be better as long as the quality of students is not supported by government, educational institutions, and family .
2.    Indonesian education have to apply a strict system, because the weakness of Indonesian education system today is the implementation that is too elastic.
3.    Educational facilities are not the determinant of the quality of education, but the studentof  an educational institution that is able to compete in this highly technological era is determined by the facilities.
4.    media has a dual function. They are  the function of the intellectual as well as ignorant people through broadcasts are aired.
5.    However the complete of external learning motivation of students such as complete facilities, professional teachers, etc., if the internal motivation of students does not exist, then target will not be achieved. Therefore, the internal factors must be built early on.

4.       Pidarta, Prof. Dr. Made. 2004. Manajemen Pendidikan Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
5.       Combs H. Philip & Ahmed Manzoor. 1998. Memerangi Kemiskinan di Pedesesaan Melalui Pendidikan Non-formal. Jakarta : CV.Rajawali.
6.       Rais Amien.2002.Selamatkan Indonesia : Agenda Mendesak Bangsa. Jakarta ; PPSKI press.

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