A. background
Pronoucation is one of the most important component in english. Bad pronouncation Indicate bad english abiity. That’s way to become good english speaker, we have to pronounce the english word correctly. We have to follow the rule of english pronouncation because wrong pronouncation affect wrong meaning. So, to anticipate missunderstanding between the speaker and the interlocutor, we have to notice the good pronouncation it self. In pronouncation it self, there are some parts called consonant such as /s/,/sy/,/z/,/s/, etc. Each of these sounds must be pronounced correctly.
In fact, the writer have found many students in STAIN PAREPARE who get some difficulties in pronouncing /sy/ sound correctly. For example the writer found the speaker prononcing /si:/ when they want to say ‘’she”. Totally, this is an emergency pronouncation problem bacause the correct one is “syi”. Another case, the writer heard a short conversation between two students and one of them actually want to say “ i have shell in my house”, but he pronouncing “ i have sell in my house”, so the intelocutor or the speaker’s friend said “ what do you mean?”, not only that, but also there are many cases that the writer found about pronouncation errors of STAIN STUDENT (sem.4).
all of those examples indicate some of STAIN students, especially semester 4 students still bad in pronouncing “sy” sound. That’s way the writer makes this small project to analyze why the pronouncation error happened and how to overcome it.. the writer hope by this small research, the writer find the factors of the problem so the writer can recommand some suggestion to help the speaker in improving english pronouncation ability.
May 27th, 2011
The writer
B. Review literature
Pronouncation is an important point that can not be neglected bacause bad pronouncation will cause misscommunication.in pronouncation there are two pats, they are consonant and vowel. In this small project the writer will tell more about consonant. Based on oxford consonant is a speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs, such as (p), (f), (r), (w), and (h). In articulatory phonetics, a consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or partial closure of thevocal tract. Examples are [p], pronounced with the lips; [t], pronounced with the front of the tongue; [k], pronounced with the back of the tongue; [h], pronounced in the throat; [f] and [s], pronounced by forcing air through a narrow channel (fricatives); and [m] and [n], which have air flowing through the nose (nasals). Contrasting with consonants are vowels.
Since the number of possible sounds in all of the world's languages is much greater than the number of letters in any one alphabet, linguists have devised systems such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to assign a unique and unambiguous symbol to each attested consonant. In fact, the Latin alphabet, which is used to write English, has fewer consonant letters than English has consonant sounds, so digraphs like "ch", "sh", "th", and "zh" are used to extend the alphabet, and some letters and digraphs represent more than one consonant. For example, the sound spelled "th" in "this" is a different consonant than the "th" sound in "thin". (In the IPA they are transcribed [ð] and [θ], respectively.)
Each spoken consonant can be distinguished by several phonetic features they are :
· The manner of articulation is how air escapes from the vocal tract when the consonant or approximant (vowel like) sound is made. Manners include stops, fricatives and nasals.
· The place of articulation is where in the vocal tract the obstruction of the consonant occurs, and which speech organs are involved. Places include bilabial (both lips), alveolar (tongue against the gum ridge), and velar (tongue against soft palate). Additionally, there may be a simultaneous narrowing at another place of articulation, such as palatalisation orpharyngealisation.
· The phonation of a consonant is how the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation. When the vocal cords vibrate fully, the consonant is called voiced; when they do not vibrate at all, it's voiceless.
· The airstream mechanism is how the air moving through the vocal tract is powered. Most languages have exclusivelypulmonic egressive consonants, which use the lungs and diaphragm, but ejectives, clicks and implosives use different mechanisms.
· The length is how long the obstruction of a consonant lasts. This feature is borderline distinctive in English, as in "wholly" [hoʊlli] vs. "holy" [hoʊli], but cases are limited to morpheme boundaries. Unrelated roots are differentiated in various languages such as Italian, Japanese and Finnish, with two length levels, "single" and "geminate". Estonianand some Sami languages have three phonemic lengths: short, geminate, and long geminate, although the distinction between the geminate and overlong geminate includes suprasegmental features.
· The articulatory force is how much muscular energy is involved. This has been proposed many times, but no distinction relying exclusively on force has ever been demonstrated
· The phonation of a consonant is how the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation. When the vocal cords vibrate fully, the consonant is called voiced; when they do not vibrate at all, it's voiceless.
In consonant it self there is points of articulation. Poins of articulation is the posisition at which parts of the mounth come together to produce a closure of near a closure thats allows the passage of narow stream of air. In primary there are seven points of articulation, they are :
a. Bilabial
b.Labio dental
f.Valar (k,g)
g.Glottal (h)
The seven of points of articulation above, they are position of mounth. in this small project, the writer will focus to palatal point because here the writer will analyze the sy sound. The two palato-alveolar fricatives identified by the International Phonetic Alphabet, and their common affricate homologues, are:
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The way to producing /sy/ sound :
In palato alveolar sound, there are Features of the voiceless palato-alveolar fricative,they are:
· Its manner of articulation is sibilant fricative, which means it is generally produced by channeling air flow along a groove in the back of the tongue up to the place of articulation, at which point it is focused against the sharp edge of the nearly clenched teeth, causing high-frequency turbulence.
· Its place of articulation is palato-alveolar, that is, domed (partially palatalized) postalveolar, which means it is articulated with the blade of the tongue behind the alveolar ridge, and the front of the tongue bunched up ("domed") at the palate.
· Its phonation is voiceless, which means it is produced without vibrations of the vocal cords. In some languages the vocal cords are actively separated, so it is always voiceless; in others the cords are lax, so that it may take on the voicing of adjacent sounds.
· It is a central consonant, which means it is produced by directing the airstream along the center of the tongue, rather than to the sides.
· The airstream mechanism is pulmonic, which means it is articulated by pushing air solely with the lungs and diaphragm, as in most sounds.
In consonant sound, especially palato alveolar, there what we called initial sound, middle sound, and final sound.
a. Sound initial /sy/
b. Middle sound
c. Final sound /sy/
C. Procedure and collecting data
1. Respondent
The writer have gotten 4 correspondents from second semester of english education program of STAIN PARE-PARE, they are :
Mr. A from A.5 english education program
Mr. B from A.5 english education program
Mr. C from A.5 english education program
Mr. D from A.5 english education program
From the four correspondents above, the writer try to analyze their difficulties in distinguishing sound /s/ and /sy/.
2. Instrument
· She sees an irishman and a freshman in the crash
· The ship assure all of longshoreman occupation
· Finnish is an interesting language in the marshal’s shop because almost all of sellers speak finnish
· An issue that fashion is a shield for girls show a girl’s ambush.
· Shally wishes to sell some shell in the sea shore.
· The grayish of this sheet makes us become shy and get high tension.
· Gas of the machine wash the fish aquarium
· My shabby sheet is a perishable sheet so i share it to the shaman in the shack.
· Mr.shadow is fishing a good fish for dish under the flash with the pusher.
· The mushy boy revish the girl who shall go to english course.
3. procedure
the procedure in finishing this small project is trought some steps. The first step that writer has done is : looking for some correspondents as a volunter to be recorded their voice. Although the writer get some problems in finding some corresspondents because they are from second semester but because the writer’s spirit was still burned, finally the writer success to get some students as the writer’s correspondent. The second step is the writer must meet with those correspondent and record their voice. This step is not easy, because the writer have to wait about two hours because the correspondents was having class.after waiting for two hours, finally the writer meet with all of correspondent and record their voice.
Unforgetable, the writer want to say thanks to some people who has help the writer,because This small project will not finish without their helps. First, the writer say thank to pronouncation lecturer who always guide the writer when the writer getting problem in this small project. Second, the writer also say thanks to writer’s friend because this small project will not finish without support of them who always encourage the writer During collecting data process.
D. Finding and discussion
1. finding
a) Correspondent I (Mr.As) :
1) Si :
2) airismen
3) fresmᵆn
4) kras.
5) Sip
6) assur
7) longsormᵆn
8) okkopokasion.
9) Fainish
10) Marsal
11) sop
12) finnis.
13) isyu
14) fesyien
15) syailed
16) sow
17) ambush.
18) Syelly
19) wisis
20) sell
21) sisər.
22) grayish
23) shet
24) sai
25) tensyien.
26) Mesyin
27) fish
28) sheby
29) perisibəl
30) seir
31) semən
32) syek
33) syedow
34) fishing
35) fish
36) dis
37) ples
38) puser.
39) muzi
40) revis
41) sal
42) englis
b. Correspondent II (Mz. ST)
1) si
2) eiresemen
3) fresmen
4) kras.
5) sip
6) longsmen
7) okkopsyen.
8) Fainis
9) marsal
10) sop
11) finis.
12) isyu
13) fesyien
14) syed
15) show
16) ambush.
17) Selly
18) wisis
19) sell
20) si: sor.
21) gryis
22) dis
23) sai
24) tensyen.
25) mesyin
26) fish.
27) stebbi
28) perisyibel
29) syeir
30) semen
31) seik,
32) sedow
33) fising
34) fis
35) dus
36) dis
37) ples
38) pazer.
39) Mezy
40) revais
41) sel
42) englis.
c. Correspondent III (Mr. First respondent)
1) Si
2) presman ,
3) creisy.
4) sip
5) asyur
6) longsormen
7) okupesyen.
8) Finnis
9) marsal
10) sop
11) issu
12) fesyen
13) syeld
14) sow
15) ᵊmbyush.
16) Selly ,
17) wisis
18) sel
19) sor.
20) grᵊyis
21) sit
22) sai
23) tensyen
24) mezin
25) fis.
26) sheebi
27) sit
28) perishible
29) sit
30) seir
31) syeman
32) sek.
33) Sedow
34) fising
35) fish
36) dishde
37) plas
38) puzer
39) mouzi
40) revish
41) shᵆl
42) englis.
d. Mr. L
1) si
2) eirizmen
3) presyman
4) kuasyh
5) sip
6) asyur
7) songsohrmen
8) okkupesyen
9) finnisy
10) marsal
11) sop
12) finis
13) isyu
14) fesyen
15) syaeld
16) sow
17) ambes
18) selli
19) wis
20) sel
21) shor
22) grayis
23) sit
24) sai
25) tensyen
26) mesin
27) fis
28) sebi
29) si
30) perishabel
31) sher
32) semen
33) seik
34) shadow
35) fesing
36) fis
37) dis
38) pisyer
39) mousi
40) revis
41) shel
42) englis
E. Discussion
From 42 words in instrument that correspondents have read above, finally the writer get these data :
Mr. As = 8 correct
Mrs. ST = 8 correct
Mr. First correspondent = 6 correct
Mr. L = 7 correct
This data indicate that the four students still have bad pronouncation especially in pronouncing /sy/ sound. Why the writer dare to say that those correspondent still bad in pronouncing /sy/ sound? its because just about 15 % of the sound /sy/ in instrument can be pronouncing correctly.
That is way the writer try to find the factors that cause their mistakes in pronouncing /sy/ sound. based on writer observation, the factors of this case are :
1) the correspondent can’t distinguish between /sy/ sound and /s/ sound even /z/ sound because Some of the correspondents don’t know the theory of /sy/ sound in pronunciation lesson.
2) Although some of the correspondents know the theory but they are seldom to practice their English speaking so their tongue become strange in pronouncing English sounds.
The two factors are the main factors of those correspondent errors. The writer think that actually this mistakes in not genuine for the university student because they had gotten the theory of pronouncing /sy/ sound in Senior high school, but they are not late improve their skill, because in the 3rd and 4th semester, they will learn pronunciation practice.
Based on the correspondent errors above, the writer recommend a teaching method that the writer called “ Practicing /sy/ sound in short conversation in pronunciation class” .in this method the lecturer have to prepare two short conversations that consist of many /sy/ sounds. After the lecturer explain the theory of /sy/ sound, the lecturer choose two partners to come forward to read the conversation, while the other students try to correct the partners mistakes and tell them the correct one. By this method, indirectly, the student will practice to pronounce /sy/ sound. Besides that, the students also indirectly will habituate to apply the theory of using /sy/ sound in their daily English speaking.
F. Conclusion
Based on data that have been analyzed, the writer found emergency errors in all position whether in initial position, medium position, and final position. It can be proven by seeing the results of finding above. From 42 words available ,only 6-8 words that can be pronounced correctly. Once more the writer emphasize that it is happened because the correspondent don’t know the theory well and because they are seldom to practice the sound.
Most of them do not know because they do not get the lesson in senior high school, but they still have chance to overcome this case because in the 3rd semester they will learn pronunciation practice. Pronunciation lecturer has an urgent role in improving their skill. Besides that, pronunciation lecturer have to emphasize the student to practice the lesson in daily English speaking because as we know that practice make perfect. The writer believe that pronunciation lecturer in STAIN is the professional lecturer who can guide them well.
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